How Do I Tell the Father I’m Pregnant?

Finding out you are pregnant can be an overwhelming experience. Especially when it’s a surprise. So many questions are probably going through your mind right now.

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How Do I Tell the Father I’m Pregnant?

There are many things to take into consideration during a pregnancy, even in ideal circumstances, but an unplanned pregnancy brings its own set of challenges. The thought of telling the father you are pregnant can make you feel anxious or nervous. Depending on your relationship with the father, you might fear that his reaction could range from shock or disappointment to even anger. You may worry that he will be happy when hearing the news but know in your heart that you aren’t ready to be a parent. While every woman in this situation needs to do what is right for her, some may not know where to begin. Adoption Network has created a list of tips to help you start a conversation with the baby’s father about an unplanned pregnancy.

Confirm Pregnancy

If you have a close relationship with the father of your baby, you may feel comfortable telling him that you think you may be pregnant before taking an at-home pregnancy test. But many women prefer to know before telling the father about the pregnancy. You can take an at-home pregnancy test, but the best way to get an accurate result is to see a doctor.

How You Feel is Important

An unplanned pregnancy is more common than you would expect, roughly more than half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned. An unplanned pregnancy can be a complex and emotional experience, and it’s important to navigate the situation with care. Firstly, let’s acknowledge that an unexpected pregnancy can bring up a wide range of emotions. Even if you are happy about the idea of having a child, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed or uncertain about the future. If you’re not ready to become a parent, those feelings can be even more intense. It’s okay to feel this way, and it’s beneficial to take the time to sort out your emotions before making any major decisions.

If you’re struggling, it may be helpful to talk to a trusted friend, family, counselor, or an adoption specialist. An adoption specialist at Adoption Network can offer guidance and support as you navigate your feelings and make the best decision for you and your baby. We can also help you explore your options, such as adoption or abortion, if you’re not ready to become a parent.

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it is common to be concerned about your personal and financial situation. Having a child is a big responsibility, and it’s essential to make sure that you’re in the right place to take on that kind of responsibility. If you’re struggling with debt, job loss, or other financial difficulties, it may be difficult to provide for a child in the way that you want. It’s also key to consider the impact that a child would have on your personal life. Are you in a stable relationship? Do you have support to help you with childcare and other responsibilities? If you’re not sure about your options or feel overwhelmed, it can be helpful to create a pros and cons list for each option. This can help you weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each choice and make the best decision for you. Please keep in mind that you don’t have to decide right away, take the time you need to explore your options and make the best choice for your situation.

Make sure that you’re  taking care of yourself. This means getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise. It is advised to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other substances that could harm your developing baby. Adoption Network has support groups and online communities if you feel comfortable talking to others who have gone through a similar experience, it can be incredibly helpful, and these groups can provide a safe and supportive environment for you to share your feelings and ask for advice.

Type of Relationship with the Father

The first step in deciding how to tell the father about the pregnancy is to understand the nature of your relationship. Are you married to him? Are you in a committed relationship? Is it a casual fling? Your relationship with the father will help determine the best way to share your news. For instance, telling a husband may require a more sensitive approach than telling a casual partner.

Telling a Husband About an Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling a husband about an unplanned pregnancy can be stressful if you are struggling within the relationship or going through financial difficulties. It is essential to choose the right time and place to have this conversation. Consider setting aside a quiet evening when you both have time to talk without interruptions. When talking to your husband, be honest and direct. Explain that you are pregnant and that you need his support. Be prepared for a range of emotions, including shock, disbelief, and anger. Your husband may need time to process the news, so give him the space to do this.

Telling a Boyfriend About an Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling a boyfriend about an unplanned pregnancy may be less complicated than telling a husband, but it still requires careful consideration. Choose a time and place where you both can have an open and honest conversation. Be direct about the pregnancy and explain what you need from him. While your boyfriend may not have the same emotional investment in the pregnancy as a husband, he may still need time to process the news. Be ready for a range of reactions and allow him to express his feelings.

Telling a Casual Partner About an Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling a casual partner about an unplanned pregnancy can be challenging, particularly if you do not have a strong emotional connection. However, it is crucial to be honest and upfront about the pregnancy and how you are feeling. Consider setting up a meeting in a neutral location, such as a coffee shop, and explain the situation clearly. Keep in mind that a casual partner may not have much reaction to the news at all, except only to be concerned with how you would like to proceed.

It’s not always possible to contact a casual partner due to circumstances like a one-night stand or especially if the pregnancy is the result of a sexual assault. Each situation concerning an unplanned pregnancy is different, and the next steps will depend on what decisions you make about yours. When you consider adoption, an experienced professional can privately discuss with you the details and whether or not the father’s involvement is needed.Infographic with five topics related to telling the father about an unplanned pregnancy.

Telling The Father You’re Unexpectedly Pregnant

While telling the father may be nerve-wracking, it’s best to have a plan in place. You want to be direct, honest and choose the right setting to make this conversation as smooth as possible. Timing is vital when it comes to discussing an unplanned pregnancy. You need to make sure that both you and the father are in a calm and relaxed state of mind, with no distractions. Try to avoid bringing it up when either of you is stressed, tired, or distracted. Choose a time when you know the father is free, and you can sit down together and talk things through without becoming rushed or interrupted. When it comes to where to tell the father about an unexpected pregnancy, it’s a good idea to choose a location where you feel comfortable and safe. This could be at home, in a quiet park, or anywhere else that feels private and secure.

There are many ways to tell the father about an unexpected pregnancy; some people prefer to discuss it face to face, while others may choose to do so via facetime or video chat, phone call, or text. No matter how you choose to break the news, approach the conversation in a calm and clear way, and be honest about how you’re feeling. Remember that the news of an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming for both parties. It is essential to give the father the space and time to process the news and react in his own way. This means being understanding and patient, even if his initial reaction is not what you hoped for. Try to remember that he may be experiencing the same range of emotions that you did when you first found out.

If you are concerned about how the father may react or feel that you need extra support, consider asking a trusted friend or family member to be nearby during the conversation. In more extreme cases, if you are worried about any potential harm or violence, it may be best to seek advice from a counselor or professional before telling the father about the pregnancy.

Making a Plan for a Unplanned Pregnancy

When you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, it is crucial to remember that you have options. Choosing how to tell the father of your pregnancy is just one piece of the puzzle. It is critical to think through what you would like to do next, if you find yourself in this situation; you have three options to consider:


If you are not going to be able to parent, placing your baby for adoption is an option to consider. Placing your child for adoption can be a difficult decision, but it can also be a selfless act of love. By choosing adoption, you are giving your child the opportunity to grow up in a loving, stable home with parents who are ready and willing to care for them.

Adoptions today are typically open; open adoptions can provide peace of mind, as you can stay connected with your child and watch them grow. You can choose how much contact you have with your child after the adoption takes place, whether that is through letters, pictures, or visits.

If open adoption doesn’t sound right for you there are different types of adoption options available to you. You can also choose a semi-open adoption, where you have limited contact with the adoptive family and your child. This can be a good option if you want some updates on your child’s life, but don’t want to have direct contact. You have the option to choose a closed adoption, where you will not have any contact with the adoptive family or your child. This can be a good choice if you do not want any contact with the child in the future, or if it is imperative for you to move on from the pregnancy and start a new chapter in your life.

Choosing adoption is a major decision, and it is important to have a support system in place as you navigate this process. Adoption agencies and professionals are available to help you understand your options, make a plan, and find a family that is a good fit for you and your child. These professionals can provide counseling and other resources to help you make an informed decision. It is to your advantage to work with an adoption professional so that you have support throughout the process.

You deserve someone who is concerned with your best interest and will ensure that your voice is heard, and your wishes are met. Here at Adoption Network, we are able to provide you with no-cost services, education, resources, and assistance if you feel adoption is the best option for you. The decision to place your child for adoption is yours, and it should be based on what you believe is best for you and your child. With the right support and resources, adoption can be a positive choice for all involved.

What does adoption cost?

Birth Parents are not responsible for legal fees or agency fees. Financial assistance for medical and living expenses may be available in accordance with state law. Adoptive Parents are responsible for covering these costs.

Adoption choices:

When considering adoption, there are many choices that you will be asked to make—from choosing an Adoptive Family for your baby to deciding how much and what kind of contact you want after placement. Like any other choice, to make the best decision, it is important that you do your research and take the time to think things through.


  • Would you want your baby to be raised in a family that is similar to or different from the one that raised you? (Married parents? Single parent? Attend church? Be “outdoorsy”?)
  • Would you want your baby to be raised in the same region of the country as you were, or somewhere completely different? (Rural or farm-like environment? Big City? Small Town?)
  • What type of contact would you want to have with the hopeful adoptive parents prior to the baby’s birth? (Texting? Phone calls? Have them come for a face-to-face visit?)
  • What type of post-adoption contact would you want? (Photos & updates? Visits?)

Impact of adoption:

Adoption affects everyone in different ways and at different times. Love, loss, gratitude, guilt, relief and resolution are common feelings that are expressed by those who are touched by an adoption. Birth parents should seek out trusted friends, support groups, or understanding counselors in order to have a safe place to communicate their feelings about their adoption plans or experience.

Next steps for an adoption plan:

Step One: Check out the information we have collected for you that explain the process

Step Two: View profiles of hopeful adoptive families

Step Three: Contact an Adoption Advisor to discuss adoption at 800-367-2367


Parenting means that you are responsible for your baby 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. Many women experience big and unexpected changes in their lives when becoming a parent and find themselves having to adjust their expectations for their future. They may not be able to finish school as hoped, they may have to put a career path on hold, both of which can have lasting effects on both the life of the parent and the life of the baby. In addition to deferring future goals, current hobbies and social interests will take a back seat, or at least change in nature, when parenting a child. Some women may feel resentment about how “everything changed” as the result of an unwanted pregnancy.


  • How will you afford to take care of your baby?
  • Where will you and your baby live? Is it a suitable and safe place for a baby?
  • Will you be able to continue your schooling or maintain a job?
  • Who will provide childcare when you are away?
  • Is the baby’s father involved? Is he willing and available to help provide care?
  • How will you provide for your baby’s medical care?
  • Are you willing to adjust your social life to be present for your child?
  • What does it cost to raise a child?
  • According to the latest annual report from the US Department of Agriculture, the average cost of raising a child until age 18 is approximately $233,610.


If you know that you are not ready to parent and it is still early enough in your pregnancy, abortion is an option. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy and there are methods for it that use medication or surgery. Until recently, abortion was available throughout the United State. In November 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which means that individual states can again outlaw abortion. While some states immediately banned abortions or created restrictions to access, abortion is not banned nationwide. Abortion is still legal in many states, and it is currently legal someone to travel to a different state to get an abortion.

What does an abortion cost?

According to Planned Parenthood’s® website, an abortion performed during the first trimester can cost up to $2,000, depending on the abortion method used.

Abortion side effects:

Abortion side effects may include: bleeding, abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and headache. Sometimes side effects can be serious or fatal. While abortion is a medical procedure, as with parenting or placing, it involves pregnancy so may have emotional effects as well. Some women report feelings of anger, regret, guilt or sadness after abortion, while others expressed relief. There are counselors who focus on providing post-abortion counseling which may be beneficial.

Moving Forward

While others may try to pressure you or give advice, this is a life event when you should be allowed to think through your options and make the final decision. No matter what you decide, you are the one who will live with your choices in the years to come. Hopefully after reading this information you feel better prepared to approach your baby’s father with this significant news.

If you are experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, and you would like support and assistance in talking to the baby’s father and telling him the news, Adoption Network is here to help. We can offer professional counseling and support during this process, you can call (800) 367-2367 at any time to speak with an unbiased adoption specialist or start by requesting free information here. Our specialists will help you understand all of your options, not just adoption; we want you to make the best decision for you and your baby.


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