Married Since: 2000
Pets: Yes
Stay at Home Parent: Yes
Other Adopted Children at Home: No
Other Biological Children at Home: No
A loving home awaits! We’re a caring couple looking to adopt and provide a loving, supportive family for a child who’s future would be filled with laughter, love, and endless possibilities.
Ancestry: Hungarian, Mexican
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Security Supervisor
Education: Some College
Hobbies: Listening to music, travel, watching sports, swimming, spending time with nieces & nephews
Ancestry: Slovak, Hungarian
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Entrepreneur & Strategy Director
Education: MBA
Hobbies: Yoga, dancing, listening to music, home improvement & decorating, cooking, travel, swimming
Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: Caucasian / Asian, Asian / Hispanic, Caucasian, Caucasian / Hispanic, Caucasian / Indian, Caucasian / Middle Eastern, Caucasian / Native American, Caucasian / Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Hispanic / Middle Eastern, Hispanic / Native American, Hispanic / Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, Native American Indian
Preferred Gender of Baby: Either
Religion Child To Be Raised: Catholic
We are so grateful that you’ve taken the time to consider us as potential parents for your baby. We’ve been dreaming of a family for a long time, and the thought of being able to welcome a child into our lives fills us with joy. We understand that this is a big decision, and we want to assure you that we would be honored to have an open relationship with you and your family. We believe that open adoption can be a beautiful and rewarding experience for everyone involved. We would love to stay in touch, share updates about your baby’s life, and even meet in person if you’re comfortable. We promise to always speak kindly and respectfully about you to your child. We want them to know and appreciate their biological heritage and the incredible love and strength it takes to make this selfless decision. We’ll cherish the stories you share about your pregnancy and the journey that led you here. We know that this is a deeply personal journey, and we don’t pretend to understand everything you’re going through. But we want you to know that we’re here to support you in any way we can. Your baby will be loved unconditionally, cherished, and cared for with the utmost tenderness. Your baby would have a loving, supportive home surrounded by family, cousins, and friends. We imagine creating unforgettable memories together, from exploring exciting places and visiting Disney to baking homemade treats and teaching them to ride a bike. We’d cherish cozy evenings watching movies and offering comfort and support. Your child would be showered with love, cuddled, and listened to. We’d respect their feelings, encourage their interests, and support their dreams. Your baby’s parents would be silly and playful, teaching them to laugh and enjoy life. We’d guide them to love themselves and others, build meaningful relationships, and reach their full potential. We’re excited about the possibility of building a loving family together. Thank you for considering us.
We’ve always wanted to adopt as well as have biological children. It was something in both of our hearts when we married. We were not able to conceive, but still had our dream of adopting to grow our family. Both of us cherish family and everything that comes with that from the parties and fun to the sad moments when we support each other. For us, having the ability to experience being parents, to support, provide, and love a child and see them grow into adults would be the most humbling gift and honor we could imagine. We have great hope that one day a call will come that will change our lives and we couldn’t be more excited for that!
We’re a fun-loving couple that creates a happy & nurturing environment for our family. We enjoy spending time together, laughing, and making memories. Our home is a comfortable and stable place where a child can thrive, whether they’re exploring the backyard, riding bikes, or enjoying the comforts of home. Jen’s mom lives with us, adding a loving and nurturing presence to our home, especially when she bakes, makes her chicken soup, holds big family dinners on weekends or holidays so we can enjoy cherished traditions.
Together, we could explore new places, learn new things, and experience the world together. We’re committed to supporting your child’s growth and development. We’d attend all their school activities, encourage their interests, and help them with their homework. Your child would have their own space, plenty of toys, and our undivided attention and would know they are loved, valued, and safe in our care.
As part of our family, they could explore their passions, build lasting friendships, and create unforgettable memories. They’d grow up in a supportive environment, surrounded by people who love and believe in them. Your child would have the freedom to dream big and pursue their goals. We’re excited about the possibility of raising a happy & healthy child who is loved and cherished.
Jen has the biggest heart and is a generous and giving person. She is smart, driven, and knows how to help people in a positive way. She knows exactly what kids need, knows how to make them feel special and how to be a kid herself. Kids want to be around her and love her. Our nieces and nephews always want to sleep over and make sure that she is at their games and school activities so they can see how proud she is of them. She gives her help freely, always putting family first. Our niece/goddaughter, who lives in Florida, was trying to figure out what she wants to be after college. Jen invited her to spend time with us, listened to her and helped her see all of her options. Jen took her back home and spent another few days with her to help her get ready for the school year and her future. Jen would be a great mom and help your child to navigate the journey of life in a positive and happy way.
Chris always has a smile on his face and is a happy person. He is always genuinely interested in people, pays a lot of attention to others and makes everyone feel comfortable. He is very easy to talk to and a good listener. Chris loves with his whole heart and is kind, not just to me, but our families. He’s formed close relationships with all the kids from both our families, showing them love and affection, playing games, dolls with the girls and sports with the boys (literally for hours!). He is patient, protective, kind, and silly with kids. Once when our nephew was little and obsessed with dinosaurs, we went to a dinosaur park and even though he loved dinosaurs, he was afraid. He only wanted Chris to keep him safe and Chris held him through the whole entire park showing him the dinosaurs and making sure he knew he was safe. I know without a doubt that he will be a great dad.
We have a good size home with 4 bedrooms, 3 living/family rooms, big kitchen, and a big backyard. Everyone loves our big comfy couches and enjoys being here. We have plenty of room to have people over and for kids to play. We have plenty of toys and games for when kids come over; we play a lot of Jenga, Monopoly, Dolls/Castle playing and Connect Four. There are a lot of family dinners each week and we make sure there are kids favorite snacks like popcorn, Oreos, and M&M’s. We like to watch movies together or build forts with the couch pillows or our favorite, hide & seek!
There’s a ton to do outside as well, our neighborhood has a lot of children that like to play. There’s several parks, tennis & basketball courts, everyone’s always walking around all year long. We like playing sports outside, swimming, sledding, you name it, we’ve done it here. The downtown is amazing too, always fun activities for kids, carnivals, parties, Santa; we like to experience it all.
We have a 2 year old Shih Tzu, named Hudson. He is super sweet, likes to sleep, play fetch, and loves scratchy, scratchy time (belly rubs). He really thinks he is one of the kids and makes sure he sits in the middle of the kids on the couch when we do movie night. He is very excited when people come over and makes sure he greets everyone.
Your child will have a best friend from day one. Hudson will love and protect your child just like he does for all of us.
Your child’s grandmother would be there everyday because she lives with us, she plays games for hours, reads to kids, holds and hugs them, and is the snack queen! She showers children with love and attention. When there aren’t other kids around, she is the favorite playmate and will play whatever game the child wants. All of our brothers and sisters (aunts & uncles) all like to laugh and joke around a lot! They all have funny personalities and make you laugh until your stomach & cheeks hurt. They like to spoil their nieces & nephews too; they are around a lot and will make sure to have a close relationship with your child so they know they are supported and loved. Then come the cousins, there are a lot of them. When we have big parties, there can be more than 30-40 kids running around together, which happens a lot. Five of those kids though, will be their best friend and there for them all the time. They are the 1st cousins that are around most often, 2 boys and 3 girls that would be there for your child. They have very strong bonds and love each other very much. They are very excited to have another cousin!
We integrated our families and traditions, celebrating all our cultures. We would honor your child’s cultural traditions and invite family and friends to celebrate with us.
Both of us were born and raised in a very diverse community. Our friends and family members come from different backgrounds racially and culturally. We know your child would be accepted and loved unconditionally by everyone around us. We celebrate many different traditions with friends and family and would do the same with your child’s heritage, making sure to honor your child’s race and culture.
We spend a lot of time with our siblings and nieces, nephews and extended family each weekly and enjoying vacations together too. We all love to keep things exciting by traveling, swimming, playing/watching sports, attending carnivals, amusement parks, attending concerts, and events together. As part of our family, your child would have a sense of belonging and know they are accepted and loved by all. We can promise they would never be bored either, there is always something to do whether it’s being with everyone or just spending time with one of us, they will always have our love and attention.
We have a very large family and are close to our extended families, so we have many traditions and celebrate them all the time. We celebrate birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Baptisms, Weddings, attend showers, etc. We will have a party for any reason because we like to have fun! We have family reunions, take trips together, have family over a lot, and visit relatives as much as possible. The children in our family grow up with a LOT of cousins and love to go to parties or visit family so they can be with the kids their age.
Christmas is big, especially for the kids. It starts with decorating the house, inside & outside. The kids love to bake cookies and treats with all the moms, aunts, and grandmothers. We decorate the tree together, listen to Christmas music, take the kids to see Santa, open presents together, go to church, have a traditional Christmas dinner, way too many treats, and the kids play the whole time. The whole season is very special.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile. We understand that placing your child for adoption is a deeply personal decision, and we would be honored if you were to consider us as adoptive parents. We are committed to providing a loving and stable home for your child and would be overjoyed to welcome your child into our family. We believe that every child deserves a loving home, and we are committed to providing your child with all the love, support, and opportunities they need to thrive. We will raise them with strong values, teach them the importance of family, and encourage them to pursue their passions and dreams.
We are also committed to keeping you updated on your child’s life. We will send you pictures and letters, and we will welcome you to visit whenever you would like. We want you to know that your child would be loved, supported, have a nurturing home and be at the center of our attention always. We hope you will give us a chance to meet you. Thank you again for your time and consideration.
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