Married Since: 2022

Pets: Yes

Stay at Home Parent: Part-Time

Other Adopted Children at Home: No

Other Biological Children at Home: Yes

We would like to thank you for considering us in what may be the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make. We hope that during this time, you feel supported and have come to see that you are not alone in this.

Chrissy and Lacey

from Alabama



Ancestry: Swedish and Mexican

Religion: Spiritual

Occupation: Supervisor, Poultry & Agriculture

Education: Associates in Science

Hobbies: Basketball, reading, painting & repurposing furniture


Ancestry: English, Swedish

Religion: Spiritual

Occupation: Nursing Student

Education: Currently earning associates in nursing

Hobbies: Gardening, drawing and writing


Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: African American, African American / Asian, African American / Caucasian, African American / Hispanic, Biracial (African American + any other), Caucasian, Caucasian / Hispanic, Caucasian / Native American, Caucasian / Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Hispanic / Native American, Hispanic / Pacific Islander

Preferred Gender of Baby: Either

Religion Child To Be Raised: Spiritual



Place to Relax
Our couch!
Activity with Kids
Eating ice cream by the lake and watching the geese
Guilty Pleasure
Taylor Swift
Meal to Cook
Spaghetti bake and blackberry pie
Sunday drives with destination: nowhere!
Last Meal
Chicken & dumplings, peanut buster parfait from DQ, pizza and Pow-pow shrimp tacos from Lucy’s in Biloxi.


Love Language
I put notes / affirmations in Chrissy’s lunchbox daily
Downtime Activity
If I’m alone, you can catch me watching documentaries, learning more Spanish, or watching interviews with musicians
Guilty Pleasure
I love a good transformation! Anything from a makeover to flipping a house.
“Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison will always bring me back to a good mood
Can't Live Without
Two things I wouldn’t want to live without: coffee and chapstick
Bucket List
I’d love to drive on the Autobahn one day
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

From Us to You

Dear Birth Mother,

Firstly, we would like to thank you for considering us in what may be the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make. We hope that during this time, you feel supported and have come to see that you are not alone in this. This path you have chosen is incredibly brave and honorable. Secondly, while it may be difficult for you, we are here to ease some worries you may have along the way.

We have given lots of thought and consideration as to what we have to offer as parents. Not only to our current children, but any other children we may be blessed to raise in our home. We will provide a safe home filled with unconditional love, support, and abundant opportunities if we are chosen to welcome your child into our family. We will place a heavy emphasis on unconditional love and encouragement, sprinkled with stability, consistency, and an open mind.

We believe that these things play a huge role in forming a solid foundation for any child as they grow and learn that they are truly a gift to the world.

Your child will be raised to know what family means as we support them through all aspects and milestones. In our home, we like to show our children the importance of communication and sharing our feelings with each other.

The world can be a scary place, but we want our children to know that there are healthy ways to navigate through it and to make the most of it in the process. We believe children should be given all the tools necessary to not only to live but thrive! Life can be beautiful, and we want to raise children to see and feel all that they can along the way and hopefully one day, share those things with their own children.

Your child will be raised to know their worth and be given all the tools that we can provide so that they feel confident moving through life. They will be raised to know that no matter someone’s background, or the color of their skin, we are all human and deserving of love. Your child will know that they always have a safe place to call home, a shoulder to cry on, and two loving parents and siblings to lift them back up when they’re feeling down.

We have tried to expand our family for a little over two years now and have remained each other’s rock through the highs and lows, including grieving the loss of a child together. While we may not always know the reason for some things, we are at peace knowing that it has led us here. As a result, we have a whole lot of love stored up to give your child! Adoption was always something we considered from the beginning, and we know that now is the time to put ourselves out there in hopes that the birth mother and baby for us are out there. We will always be honest with our children that are adopted & any family history shared with us we will be given. We are open to sending pictures and updates throughout their life.

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

Why We are Choosing to Adopt

We have discussed adoption since the beginning, and it has always been on the table. Both of our children were conceived via artificial insemination. We wanted another child and after several failed attempts and losing a child in the process, we knew that it was time to move towards adoption. We have spent the last two years researching the ins and outs of adoption (private and agency). The last year has included 3 failed private adoptions which led us to the agency route.

We have so much love left to give. Our two children cannot wait for a little brother or sister to spoil.
Jayden (14) would love another sibling to teach music, how to play instruments, baking and art. Henley (11) would be a great big brother to anyone. He is protective and would teach them how to climb a tree, color, and build a fort. Henley is also great at building model cars and Legos.

There is no doubt your baby would fit right in with our family and have all the love he/she could ever need, being met with arms wide open arms from all of us!

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

Our Lifestyle

Our lifestyle includes a balance of work, school, home life, friends/family, and some travel whenever possible! Chrissy works full time where she oversees over 800 people and Lacey is a nursing student and maintains the house and schedules. We lead extroverted lives day to day, but we really love the peace that comes with coming home to the sanctuary we have built together.

Our family knows that our home is our safe place. Lacey tries to keep us all organized with a calendar hung in the kitchen, notes on the fridge and reminders on her phone. Our daughter is in the band and plays several instruments and has several events throughout the year that we enjoy attending. Our son is learning mixed martial arts and enjoys building things.

Much of our favorite time is spent on the weekends, relaxing, watching movies while we enjoy Lacey’s special popcorn, spending time outside, cooking together or going on trips, even if it is just a weekend getaway! These are all things we would love to include your child in. We live close to so many good things to take advantage of.
With our vacation time, we like to plan trips where we can all experience good food, sight-seeing, and have a look at how the rest of the world lives. Our future trips we have planned include Puerto Rico, Boston (where our daughter might want to live and go to Berklee), Ireland and many more to come. One of our favorite places to go is Mambo’s in New Orleans. It is very important to us that your child gets to experience diversity through different cultures, locations, and people. We believe that parents should be able to take their children with them when they travel and that it adds to the experience, rather than hinders their ability to enjoy them.
While our lives can get busy, we always take the time out of each day to check in with each other and make sure we all have what we need; mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

About Chrissy

Chrissy is one of the most thoughtful people I know. She is always willing to help others, almost to a fault. She has a big heart and can barely keep a surprise; she gets so excited to make someone else happy and see their reaction. She is smart, observant, and methodical. She has been through a lot and has learned a lot along the way. She works hard to provide for her family but also knows how to play as well!

If you’re lucky enough to have her in your life, you learn quickly that she is deserving of everything she has worked so hard for. She is a loving partner and she listens to understand, not just to respond.

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

About Lacey

My wife is the absolute best person I know! I am not just saying that because she is my wife or that is what you are supposed to think about the person you are married to.

Lacey is the most giving, selfless, kind, and nurturing human on this planet. She is a behind the scenes kind of girl. She will do things for others, and nobody will ever know it is her. Since the day we moved in together, she has packed my lunch for work and never missed a day. This is not something I have ever asked for, it is just something she has done because she wants to make sure I always know I am taken care of. I love the days I get little notes in my lunchbox, and she doesn’t know this but I have all of them in my desk drawer at work so I can take them out and read them on the not so fun days at work. On the days that I get a sandwich in my lunch box she takes a small bite out of the corner to make me feel like she is having lunch with me.

Lacey is in nursing school which is the perfect profession for her to go into because she is a caretaker. She has driven 6 hours round trip to Nashville Tennessee to volunteer with Nashville Street barbers on Monday nights to cut the homeless communities hair. She wanted to make someone’s day and make them feel human. I love how fun she is, and she allows everyone to be themselves without judgement. I love it when we dance in the kitchen, have our pillow talks, and our morning coffee. All these little things are what make her the person I love

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

Home and Neighborhood

We live in the heart of our city, near the historic downtown area. We are within walking distance of the library, a park with a playground, a grocery store, bookstore, and there are also several restaurants nearby, ranging from Mexican to Haitian. Sometimes, we will walk to the ice cream shop in town for a special treat. We live right by the high school and the fire station, dentist, and pediatrician’s office. Our nearest hospital is only four miles away. Every summer and fall, the Farmer’s Market is also right around the corner. We are within 10 miles of the state park and Lake Guntersville. This makes for fun summer days and great family memories!

Our home is over 100 years old and has the charm and character to prove it. We have a two story, 5-bedroom house. We have a big backyard that we like to spend a lot of time in. We love to grill out during the spring and summer months and have bonfires in the fall and winter months. We enjoy teaching our children to cook together because not only are they gaining a skill, that is family time, too! Our street is a melting pot of families, most of which also have children ranging from 2 years old to high school age.

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

Family and Friends

We are lucky to have very supportive families and a special friend group. We know that blood is not what makes family, and it’s not the quantity of friends you have, it’s the quality! Our family is very excited about our adoption journey, and they will be ecstatic to have a new addition to the family!

While both of our parents separated when we were younger, they have each taught us so much about individuality and they are all strong people.

Chrissy’s dad is retired and lives within an hour from our home. Chrissy and her father talk daily. Chrissy’s mother works at a University in Washington, and we get to see her during the winter holidays, but we have a tradition of catching up with her every Sunday via facetime. Chrissy has two brothers who live in Washington. We have 2 nephews there as well.

Lacey’s mother works full time and lives in Georgia and is only about 2.5 hours away. We try to have monthly family dinners where we meet each other halfway and have pizza together with the kids too. Lacey’s father is retired and lives near the beach in Mississippi where the kids visit for fall and spring break. Lacey’s stepmother is a retired nurse and helps us all out when we need medical advice or moral support for important Dr appointments. We all speak on a weekly basis, minimum. Lacey has two brothers; one lives in California and one in Georgia. We were able to spend a week in California with him last summer. We look forward to more trips out that way soon!
Chrissy and Lacey both attended concerts with nearly all their parents over the last few years. We all share a love of music and are all very close.

We have friends close by and we have friends states away. We have friends that are straight and friends that are gay. We have a diverse group of friends when it comes to cultural, religious, and racial differences. We can all agree on many things, but most important, that we are all human and deserving of love. We have had many fun times with friends whether it’s hosting a cookout, going on vacations, the arcade, or just out to eat dinner. Our wedding was even more special because nearly all of these friends from all over the country were able to come together for our special day!

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

Racial and Cultural Diversity

When it comes to racial and cultural diversity, we would say our family is very well rounded. Chrissy’s grandmother is Mexican/Indian, and her grandfather was Swedish/Norwegian. Chrissy grew up in Seattle Washington and her school was very diverse. Lacey also grew up in a big city and was submerged in a melting pot where her grandfather owned over 10 Mexican restaurants across the state.

We pride ourselves on teaching our children about different cultures. We also teach them that we do not judge people on age, race, religion, or lack thereof. We believe that love is love and that is a loaded statement. We have close friends of all cultures and races. Our child will have plenty of extended family to learn about their heritage no matter where they come from. They will have African American” aunts and uncles”, Haitian and Mexican “cousins” to play with.

Lacey is also a licensed Barber and Cosmetologist. She has experience in styling and taking care of afro textured hair. She is well rounded in braids, twists, fades, and scalp care.

We have gone all out and bought so many different books to read to our future child about a wide variety of cultures. We would love to integrate different foods, holidays, and traditions into our home that are a part of your child’s heritage. At the end of the day your baby will be so loved, educated and free to be who they are and know where they come from.

Chrissy and Lacey
Chrissy and Lacey

Our Promise to You

Your child will be raised to know their worth and be given all the tools that we can provide so that they feel confident moving through life. They will be raised to know that no matter someone’s background, or the color of their skin, we are all human and deserving of love. Your child will know that they always have a safe place to call home, a shoulder to cry on, and two loving parents and siblings to lift them back up when they’re feeling down.

We have tried to expand our family for a little over two years now and have remained each other’s rock through the highs and lows, including grieving the loss of a child together. While we may not always know the reason for some things, we are at peace knowing that it has led us here. As a result, we have a whole lot of love stored up to give your child! Adoption was always something we considered from the beginning, and we know that now is the time to put ourselves out there in hopes that the birth mother and baby for us are out there. We will always be honest with our children that are adopted & any family history shared with us we will be given. We are open to sending pictures and updates throughout their life.

Message Chrissy and Lacey

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Contact Chrissy and Lacey

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering Adoption Network! Mary, or one of our other adoption specialists will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.