Married Since: 2015

Pets: No

Stay at Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children at Home: No

Other Biological Children at Home: No

We are here for you, to support you through this time, and create a friendship that can continue on. Your child will have unconditional love and support in our home.

Luke and Kaley

from Utah


Ancestry: Dutch

Religion: LDS-Mormon

Occupation: Underwriter

Education: BS

Hobbies: LEGOs, Camping, Building things


Ancestry: Irish

Religion: LDS-Mormon

Occupation: Admin Assistant

Education: High School

Hobbies: Camping, Cooking, Scrapbooking


Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: All Races / Ethnicities

Preferred Gender of Baby: Either

Religion Child To Be Raised: LDS-Mormon



Family Activity
Thing to Cook
Leisure Activity
Hanging out at home and shopping with Kaley
Early Bird or Night Owl
Early bird
Star Wars and Harry Potter
Childhood Memory
Going on family vacation to St. George and National Parks


Family Activity
Thing to Cook
Holiday treats
Leisure Activity
Doing puzzles or reading
Early Bird or Night Owl
Night owl
Hidden Figures and Harry Potter
Golden Retriever
Ice cream
Childhood Memory
Driving around to see Christmas lights

From Us to You

Dear Expectant Mother,

We are so excited to know you and welcome you into our lives. Just having you take the time to look through our profile means so much. We know this is such an important time in your life, with big decisions ahead that can be overwhelming. We want you to know that we are here for you, to support you through this time, and create a friendship that can continue on. We know the decisions you have to make can be heavy and want to assure you that your child will have unconditional love and support in our home.

We understand the importance of raising a child to know their full story and background. With Kaley’s mother being adopted we have seen how much it means to her to know, and have met, her birth family. Her birth family continues to be part of our lives. It is a special relationship that means so much. We want your child to have the same positive experience by knowing you and having you in their life if that is also what you want.  It will be a priority for us to help them know their story and how everyone in their life plays an important role.

Luke is a kid at heart, who loves building LEGOs, and can be kind of a nerd. He loves Harry Potter and can tell you anything you want to know about Star Wars. Kaley is the total opposite, a little bit sassy and more outspoken than Luke. We met online through a dating app and the rest is history. We dated for six months, were engaged for six months, and are now coming up on six years of marriage. We balance each other out well and love living life side by side. We have so much love to offer your child and so many things we are excited to teach them about.

We live in a nice townhome in Utah. Utah has beautiful mountains and we love camping throughout the Summer. We are lucky to live close to extended family members and get to be with them often. This was a big deciding factor for us when we bought our home. We love spending time with our 6-year-old nephew. He and Luke love to bond over LEGOs. We get together often for family dinners and game nights. We have a strong support system around us and know we will have all hands on deck to help raise your child. Everyone is so excited to have another grandchild in the family and will do whatever it takes to support our family.

We know that starting our family through adoption is right for us. Kaley has ongoing medical issues that are well-controlled, thanks to medication. But because of this medication, we cannot carry children of our own. This has never held us back from wanting to start a family and led us to adoption. We have worked hard to implement lifestyle changes to be as healthy as possible for our future child. We are happy that adoption is an option for us to accomplish our goal of having a family of our own.

We would like to develop a friendship with you and be able to communicate often about each other’s lives. We want your child to have a relationship with you as well and know how important you are to us all. Once you’re a part of our family, you’re in for life, and we can’t wait to have you as one of our own.


Why We Are Choosing to Adopt

Adoption has been on our minds and in our hearts for a few years now. Due to recent health struggles, we began to explore this path further and know it is right for us. This is how we want to start our family and welcome a little one into our lives. We feel lucky to be on this journey of adoption and receive the gift of a child that will be loved by all parents involved. We see it as an honor to get to be another set of parents in your child’s life and be part of their story. We cannot do this on our own and see it as a huge blessing that you are considering us to be parents.


About Kaley, by Luke

Kaley is such a loving person.  She is the most honest person I know and will tell you exactly what she is thinking.  She is such a hard worker and can handle any situation given to her.  She loves being around her family.  Whether camping, going on trips, or just being at her parents’ house, she is happy to be with her family.  She loves to cook and loves to have an organized house.  Her favorite hobbies are to craft, play games, read, and do puzzles. She will make an amazing mother because she is such a loving person and will do anything for anyone.  I know that she will make sure your child has a very happy and safe life.

Kaley is also a very supportive person.  While I was in school to finish my degree she made sure I always had meals to eat. She is even-tempered and whenever I get stressed, she is there to take on that burden, talk things through, and bring my stress level and emotions back in check. She will be an amazing mom who will teach your child how to be respectful and how to try their very best.


About Luke, by Kaley

Luke is a kind and caring person. He can be shy and reserved when you first meet him, but once you get to know him, he opens up and is so funny. He is very responsible and hard-working. He handles difficult situations well because he is calm and even-tempered. He loves to build LEGOS and loves Christmas more than anyone I know, which makes him a kid at heart. I know he will be the greatest dad and he’ll be known as the fun parent. He is so good with our nephew and other little kids in our lives. He is patient and fun, and they are naturally drawn to him.

Luke takes such good care of everyone around him. Whenever I am sick or down, he is there to take care of me and comfort me. He is always willing to jump in and help and would do anything for the people he loves. He is supportive and encouraging. He is always optimistic and sees the best in every situation. I cannot wait to see him become a parent and step into the role of being a father. I couldn’t think of a better husband or partner to have by my side.



We are both employed full time and enjoy our jobs. Our week is structured with work, household chores, and spending time together. On the weekends, we like to run errands together, shop, and go out to eat. With COVID, we have had to get creative with how we spend our time since we don’t go out as often. We enjoy going on walks in our community, doing puzzles, and cooking together. We get together with our families as often as we can to have game nights or dinner. In the summer you can find us camping and fishing almost every weekend.


How A Child Will Enrich Our Lives

We cannot wait to have a little one in our home. Our goal from the start of our marriage was to have children, and it’s exciting to see that goal happen now. Luke cannot wait for a buddy to play with and teach them all about LEGOS and Star Wars. Kaley is excited to take them camping and hiking, and give them a fun childhood like she had, by spending time outdoors. We’re excited to grow together as a couple and take on the challenge of parenthood and all that comes with it. We are at a point in our lives where we are ready to welcome a child. We have so much love and support to give. That love and support extend to you and we would love for you to remain a part of our lives.


Home & Neighborhood

We live in a townhome community in a neighborhood full of young families. Our home has three bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. We have an unfinished basement that we will finish soon to create another family living space to enjoy. Our neighborhood has two playgrounds, several grassy areas, a walking path, and a clubhouse. We live across from an elementary school, with a high school just down the road. We are located at the base of a canyon and have beautiful mountains to enjoy all around us. We love to use the walking trails around us when the weather is warm.


Our Families

We are blessed to have very supportive family members and friends in our daily lives. Kaley is the second oldest child. Her older brother is married to his sweet wife and they have a 6-year-old son that we love spending time with. Kaley also has a younger brother and sister that still live at home. Kaley’s parents are kind and supportive, and make sure the family remains close. Kaley’s immediate family lives within 5 minutes of each other, and we get together often for family dinners and activities. During the summer, we often go camping with extended family and close family friends. We enjoy spending weekends away with family and friends as often as we can. Luke’s family lives 30 minutes away and we frequently get together to play games and eat good food.  Luke is the oldest and has 3 sisters. He is the protective older brother and loves playing games and joking around with his siblings.  His sisters are all very excited to be first time aunts and will love and spoil their niece or nephew.  Luke’s parents are excited to have a grandchild and will love them so much.  Luke also has great support from his extended family. Everyone is accepting, supportive, and excited for your child to join our loving family.


Adoption in Our Lives

We both have family members that have adopted children of their own and have seen how blessed they are from it. Kaley’s mother, Erin, was adopted. She has shared her story and experiences with us. We have had the opportunity to meet Erin’s birth family and stay connected via social media, phone calls, and occasional visits. It has been neat to see both sides of adoption within our own family, and we know this path is right for us. Our hearts are open to forming a friendship with you and having you be a part of our lives. We think this is an important step for you to get to know us better and truly be comfortable with us as your child’s adoptive parents.


Our Relationship with Our Parents

Kaley’s parents live just minutes away and are very involved in our lives. They are our #1 supporters and fans. They are beyond excited to welcome another grandchild into the family and spoil them. Kaley’s parents have been the greatest examples to her in marriage, family, and faith. They love and support each other no matter what, through good and bad times. They raised a strong family and taught Kaley and her siblings the importance of hard work. They keep the family close together, even as their children have grown up and started families of their own. They are Kaley’s role models.

Luke’s parents live just 30 minutes away and love to be involved in our lives.  Luke’s parents have always been supportive of him in whatever he wanted to do, even when he was young.  They taught him the value of hard work and also how to have fun.  They love children and are very excited to be first time grandparents.  They taught him how to love and care for his family and how to provide.  They have been through some hard times and have been great examples of love and understanding to him.



Most of our traditions are based around the holidays. We love Christmas the most and enjoy going all out in our decorations and traditions. We enjoy driving through the Festival of Lights in our town every year, it is a childhood tradition for Kaley. Aside from the holidays, our other traditions happen in the summertime.  Every year we go camping with Kaley’s family all summer long, as often as our schedules allow. We enjoy riding ATVs, fishing and hiking. We also love to have Luke’s family over for an amazing meal that Kaley has made and play fun, new games.  We can’t wait to have a child of our own to start new traditions and continue the ones we have already made. Whatever we are doing, we always make sure the focus is on family time.



From Luke: I work as an underwriter for a credit card processing company.  I went to school for psychology.  While I was in school I got a job at a local credit union and worked my way up in that company. At that job, I learned a lot about finance and risk, which led me to my current career. The company I work for now is amazing.  They have great benefits and are very family-oriented.  They have quarterly family events, such as going to our local amusement park or going to a corn maze in the fall.  At my job, I research and compile data and determine how risky a company is and if my company should accept them as a client.  I spend most of my days looking at spreadsheets and numbers but I love it.  I enjoy being able to research and learn things about different companies and the way they work.

From Kaley: I work as an Administrative Assistant at a local medical office. I love working with patients and helping them understand their insurance plans. I obtain authorization for services we provide and review medical records. I have worked there for 5 years now and enjoy the challenges and ever changing pace of my day-to-day responsibilities. I love taking on a challenging task and figuring out the best way to handle tough situations.

Racial & Cultural Diversity

We look forward to teaching your child about inclusion of all races and ethnicities. We will teach them about traditions of their culture and expose them to diversity as much as we can. We are lucky to live in a neighborhood with a lot of cultural diversity, including blended families and families with adopted children. They will know that families all look different and we can celebrate all cultures and backgrounds equally.  As parents, we can’t wait to learn about your child’s culture and embrace it in our daily lives.


Our Promise to You

We promise that family will always be our priority. Family means everything to us and we love our families hard. We look forward to embracing you into our family, and loving you as our own. We promise that our families will love you and your child. Everyone is caring and compassionate and would do anything for their loved ones. Once you’re a part of our family, you’re a part of it forever. We will forever love you, pray for you, and accept you for who you are. We promise your baby will be so loved and well cared for, by us and our strong support system. We have family all around us that will do anything to support us.

Message Luke and Kaley

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!

Contact Luke and Kaley

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering Adoption Network! Mary, or one of our other adoption specialists will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!