Married Since: 2017

Pets: Yes

Stay at Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children at Home: No

Other Biological Children at Home: Yes

We want to provide your baby with love from us, a big sister, and an extended family (both from family and friends). We believe in having a relationship with your baby, as they grow, that is open, honest and, most importantly, supportive.

Max and Lisa

from Missouri


Ancestry: Chinese, German

Religion: Nonpracticing

Occupation: Data Analyst

Education: BS

Hobbies: Painting, Board games


Ancestry: Irish, Russian

Religion: Nonpracticing

Occupation: Engineering Senior Manager

Education: MS

Hobbies: Hiking, Reading, Rafting


Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: All Races / Ethnicities

Preferred Gender of Baby: Either

Religion Child To Be Raised: Nonpracticing



Childhood Memory
Riding bikes with friends
Family Activity
Going out exploring new places and activities
Easter and our tradition of family reunions on that holiday
Fifth Element
Thing to Cook
TV Show
Vacation Spot
The beach


Childhood Memory
White water rafting with my father
Family Activity
Going for walks
Labor Day - we started dating and got engaged over that weekend
Thing to Cook
Stuffed Peppers
TV Show
Gilmore Girls
X-Ambassadors - Alternative
Vacation Spot
The beach
Max and Lisa

From Us to You

We appreciate your time for reading this letter. Whatever has brought you here to reading this, you have a lot in your life right now. So we specifically want to say thank you for giving us a few moments of your time to communicate.

We live in a quiet subdivision in a good school district in the Midwest with our toddler. Our life is generally uncomplicated and quiet due to our personalities. Max gets to work from home as a data analyst and Lisa works close by at a production facility as a manager. Both jobs and locations allow for a nice level of flexibility to allow for afternoons at the pool or adjusting to when family needs us. Our neighborhood is great to walk around, safe sidewalks, and interesting destinations (pond, pool, playground). We have a great support of local family, but are also lucky enough to have family spread across the country we love to go visit and who visit us. Many of our friends are starting families at this time, so a lot of built in play dates are seen in our future. We at the heart are quiet people. We would rather have a family or friend get together at home or movie/game night surrounded by our dogs than going out. However, that is balanced by a drive to experience new adventures. We love to travel and learn new things. Locally that means spending time at science museums or cultural fairs or planning family vacations to new places and experiencing what that has to offer us. We would love the opportunity to include your baby in those cozy, small settings as well as the adventures we have when we leave the house.

We want to provide your baby with love from us, a big sister, and an extended family (both from family and friends). We believe in having a relationship with your baby, as they grow, that is open, honest and, most importantly, supportive. Whatever they want to be or try as they grow older we plan to support, educate and help them through their growth. We would love to provide your baby with a playmate, and a forever friend with our daughter Lily and for her to find that same experience with your baby. At this point for us to grow our family ourselves would mean medical intervention. However with that door closing we are very excited for the adventure of adoption.

Again, and truly from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for spending the time to read this letter and hear our story.

Max and Lisa

Why We're Choosing to Adopt

We have considered adoption as an option since we got married and started talking seriously about growing our family. Due to fertility issues, adoption was something we discussed very early in our relationship. What that would look like and the unique challenges that come from this path versus others. So when we found out that having another biological child would first require surgery and recovery, we didn’t think twice about the opportunity to adopt.

Neither of us grew up with a strict definition of what “family” means and just see it as anyone we love. Max is extremely close with aunts who act as a second mother to him. His cousins can be more like siblings than cousins. The exact definition of those terms didn’t matter. Lisa is an only child but her best friend from college is an aunt to Lily and will be to your baby as well.


How We Met

We met 10 years ago through a mutual friend who was in town visiting for a weekend. We all went out to dinner and the two of us connected. Our first date was running stairs at a local park, an event we talked about during our dinner together. Max was not ready for the workout Lisa had planned, and Lisa was happy she found someone that was willing to try something like that with her. We still live near the park with the stairs. Since we are no longer in our mid-twenties or in shape to run them for exercise, enjoy driving past them.


About Max, by Lisa

Max is my calming influence. He is an incredible father and supports me 100%. Honestly, as I see him with his daughter I am envious about how easy it all seems to come to him. However, that does not surprise me. He has been wonderful with all the family’s and friends’ kids the entire time I have known him. He has always been a kind man – however as he supports my career growth and learns how to raise a baby girl in this world I am so proud of how his perception and understanding has grown. It is amazing to get to see and be part of.


About Lisa, by Max

Lisa is such a caring and loving mother. She is smart, intelligent, and has a passion for her career and her family. She loves to question and encourage our daughter’s many, many curiosities. Whether it’s an impromptu trip to the science center or going to see different animals at the zoo, she is never afraid to take the time to explain and teach not only the “why’s” but the “how’s” and all the reasons behind them. She goes above and beyond with each opportunity to help Lily grow and I love seeing the thoughtful expressions our daughter makes as she learns and plays. I have no doubt that our children will grow up as strong and independent-thinking as she is.


Big Sister, Lily

Lily is so excited about having a younger sibling. Even though she was born shortly before the pandemic, due to daycare she has been able to develop an understanding about sibling relationships. She has asked for a sibling. She also loves to help out and teach new things. She would love to teach your baby everything she knows. She will love helping with your baby and showing them the world.


Our Sweet Pups

We have two lovable dogs, Sidney and Calvin. They are both 8-year-old rescues, so we do not know their breed, but they are larger dogs (Sidney – 60 lbs and Calvin – 80 lbs). They are extraordinarily sweet and have always been gentle with our daughter. When the weather allows, we take them for walks with us. Lily loves walking Sidney, and Sidney is good enough to allow that to happen. They are well trained so that Lily is able to and loves giving the puppies their treats. We are sure Lily would love to teach your baby how to do the same. The dogs would love for another baby to join the family, as Lily is getting old enough so not as much of her food ends up on the floor for them to eat. Sidney is slower to love adults but has always been a fan of kids, Calvin is a big kid at heart and is an active cuddler with anyone that will allow him.


Our Home

We bought our two-story home in a quiet subdivision about 5 years ago. There is a large playroom downstairs, and 4 bedrooms upstairs; one would be the nursery for your baby. Max’s sister did a beautiful mural in our daughter’s room and we would have her do one for your baby’s room as well. Our neighborhood is amazing to explore. Our house is back on a cul-de-sac which makes it very quiet and great for playing outside. The neighborhood has sidewalks and mature trees. There is a pond we walk to on any nice day, it is about a 10 min toddler-walk distance. Lily would love showing your baby all the turtles and ducks we search for. She would also love playing eye spy on the way back. We have access to a pool and playground which are also an easy walk from the house.


Our Families

We have a large extended family and close friends who are nearby, and having that support community of friends and family means that each weekend usually consists of gathering and seeing one another. The influence of a big, close-knit group we can depend on has shaped our lives and we will continue to embrace those relationships. Grandparents (both those that travel in and those locally) love to support Lily during all her activities. That support would be 100% extended to your baby; they are already excited about a future addition and know the ways to spoil them with love. We have cousins’ kids who would love to have additional team members for their adventures. They are absolutely amazing with babies and toddlers and include them in all the adventures they can.

Max and Lisa

Family Traditions

We are not religious but do enjoy traditions that revolve around family, food, and cultural backgrounds. Lisa grew up with Jewish (her mother) and Catholic (her father) traditions but never with any religious dogma portion. Max grew up with Catholic and Chinese traditions. We celebrate the major holidays from our upbringings, such as lighting candles for Hannakuh, a tree for Christmas, and Chinese New Years. However the large holiday-related traditions we have are around Easter. Max’s extended family, that is spread across the country, comes into town to see each other and celebrate. Last Easter there were over 650 Easter eggs for 7 kids to find. Our whole family would love to have your baby as part of that tradition. For the younger kids they put out easy-to-find eggs, just so everyone gets a chance. Halloween is another large holiday for us. Lisa and Aunt Maggie help provide decorations, books and other fall accessories.

Smaller, non-holiday, traditions that our family enjoys is a book for each year of the children’s lives. Each is filled with pictures of the year that has passed, with a little envelope to keep some yearly memories. This will allows some pictures to be printed out instead of being stuck on mobile phones. We can’t wait to work on special books for your child each year.



We strongly believe in education in this family, but are not strict on what that has to be. Max has a bachelor’s degree in Math and economics, Lisa has a master’s in engineering. However, we recognize the education that schooling alone can provide is limited. We want our children to experience the world and gain an education that goes beyond books alone. Whether that’s exploring outside, traveling, meeting new people or having experiences. We will support and foster a desire to follow our footsteps to a university, but if that is not the education that is right for them, we will understand and support them regardless.


Our Lifestyle

We are relatively low key about our lifestyle but that isn’t to say we are not active. We both work full time but Max is fortunate to work from home and we both have semi-flexible schedules which allow us to have more time for our daughter and your baby. While we work, Lily attends a wonderful daycare/preschool close to our home. We love all the teachers and have open communication with everyone at the facility. With our flexible schedules we’re both able to attend activities and social events. Lily loves going to her gym and we all enjoy going to the pool and teaching her how to swim.

We are very happy being at parks, hiking (we got engaged on a hike), going to the zoo, swimming at our local pool, or outings to our daughter’s sport activities. We love to travel but with family and friends around the country we are usually traveling to see someone versus a new location. However, as our family gets older that will start to change. Both of us have traveled around the world and we would love to show Lily and your baby as much of the world and all it has to offer.


On a 3-Day Weekend

On a typical 3-day weekend we try to see as much local family as possible. Grandpa comes over to play in the morning and then nap time. We aren’t schedule-strict except for nap/quiet time. In the afternoon we try to get out of the house and explore in some manner. That could be going to the park. We have a few in our area that are great to choose from. One is less crowded and we can walk to it, but is not very large. The other is a little bit of a drive, but has tons of equipment of all types. It’s usually not very crowded. Or we might go to the pool. Our neighborhood gives us access to both an outdoor pool in the summer and an indoor pool for the winter. If the weather isn’t too hot we also like to get a walk in while heading over instead of driving. We try to go to the pool once a week in the summer, and assuming that will visits will increase as years go by. We also might use the time to run errands (allowing our daughter to interact with the world a little) or we go to a local kids’ play or science themed play area. Here kids can run around and explore, while Lisa gets to nerd out about the science behind the toys that she can explain to Lily later.

Max and Lisa

Vacations and Leisure Time

We both love to travel and have been fortunate enough to have been doing that since we were both children. Our favorite general location to go to is the beach. The sound of the waves just relaxes us. We have also found with our daughter it is so much fun to be at the beach with kids. We love to watch them explore the sand and sea. Lily would love to show your baby how to play around in the sand and see what they could build together.

We also both love to experience culture, museums, history, food and theater. At this point most of those activities are still parent-only ones but the children will be exposed to all this as they grow older. We want vacations to be enjoyable for the children and for ourselves, so when possible, we enjoy activities like science museums that have interactive demonstrations, or outdoor Chinese festivals that we all really enjoy. We are counting down the days to when we can travel and explore new cities with kids.


Our Hobbies

Our joint hobby is playing sand volleyball with each other. We get to have a little date night, enjoy the outdoors, and have a good time with friends. Both of us played sports growing up, but volleyball was not one of them. Over the years we think we have learned a lot about the strategy and have improved but we are not in a competitive league. Max’s hobby for himself is playing board games. He has a great familiarity with all types and plays once a week with friends. Lisa will join in on a few of her favorites or if we get together with friends for a game night. Lily had her first board game at two and we both love playing with her. Each time she seems to understand a new concept about how it is played. Max already has a list of age-appropriate games lined up and Lisa is looking forward to family game nights.


Our Promise to You

We promise to love your child unconditionally. To make sure they are given every tool they need to succeed at whatever they have a passion for. That we will prepare them as best we can to know themselves and allow them to be who they want to be. We will provide a family and a home for your child.

Message Max and Lisa

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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Contact Max and Lisa

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering Adoption Network! Mary, or one of our other adoption specialists will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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