Jo, Ellen and Mike


I write this letter as I watch our beautiful new baby girl soundly in her cradle. Words cannot describe how my heart is feeling. I called your law firm last June after Mike and I had just found out that our second round of Invitro did not work. I was heartbroken and weary that the road to growing our family had become so long and full of disappointment. When I made that call, I had so many doutbs in my head. “Could I love an adopted child like I loved my own children?” “How long would the process take?” “What happened if the birth mother changed her mind?” My fears quickly melted away when i watched the DVD sent as a result of my conversation with your intake worker. I saw other women on that DVD who had looks of pure joy on their faces as they described the adoption process. I had not had that look in a long time and knew instantly in my heart that this as the answer to all of our prayers. While the process took us almost 8 months and we did have a failed match along the way, I would not trade our journey as it brought Addie into our home. She is loved and adored by everyone.

Thank you seems so little for all that you have done. Karen was wonderful in helping us get started. Kitty and Kelly did a great job in calming our fears when our wait grew long. Ellen was amazing during the match process and specially at the hospital. God truly has placed the right people at your law firm to minister to couples such as us. Someone said to me the other day that I as glowing and I immediately began to smile knowing that I too now have a look of pure joy on my face. Thank Adoption Network Law Center for helping to heal my broken heart and bringing a smile back to my face.

Lots of love.

Written by Samantha Gindi

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