Married Since: 2015

Relationship: Married

Pets: No

Stay at Home Parent: Part-Time

Other Adopted Children at Home: No

Other Biological Children at Home: No

We are excited to be able to bring your child into our family. This is a life long journey that we hope you will take with us.

Danny and Ashley

from California



Ancestry: Portuguese

Religion: Catholic

Occupation: Locksmith


Hobbies: Golf, baseball, video games, photography


Ancestry: Irish, Scottish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese

Religion: Catholic

Occupation: Medical Assistant


Hobbies: Cooking, baking, traveling, theatre, spending time with family


Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: Caucasian, Caucasian / Hispanic, Hispanic

Preferred Gender of Baby: Either

Religion Child To Be Raised: Catholic



Jurassic Park
Leisure Activity
Personal Hero
TV Show
The Office
Childhood Memory
Traveling baseball summers


Childhood Memory
Disney Vacations
Early Bird or Night Owl
Night Owl
Personal Hero
My mom
Vacation Spot
Ireland and Scotland
Country and Classic/Indie Folk

From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and get to know us.

We’re sure this decision has been stressful and overwhelming for you as you choose the right path for your child. We admire your selflessness and love for your child by choosing adoption.

We are excited to be able to bring your child into our family. This is a life long journey that we hope you will take with us. We are open to providing mile stone pictures as well as yearly visits. We know the amount of how open this adoption will ultimately be up to you. My husband and I want to make sure your child knows where they came from and understand their adoption story and the ultimate sacrifice you made for giving them this opportunity. You will be giving us the ultimate gift of becoming parents and thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. We know how important it is for your child to feel loved and taken care of in a happy healthy environment. We will do everything in our power to make sure your child has that.

Our families and friends are so excited for us and have been our rocks throughout our adoption journey.

We have created this village of support and love that we can’t wait to bring your child into.

We want to say thank you again for giving us our ultimate dream. We appreciate you more then you will ever know.


About Danny

I believe my husband Danny is one of the most fantastic people alive. He is such an amazing husband and truly my best friend. He is hardworking, loving, funny, smart, honest and truly selfless. Danny would drop anything to help friends and family in need and he has on many occasions. He loves sports and even helps coach our nephew’s baseball team. We have 3 nephews and 2 nieces and they always want to hang out with their Uncle Danny. He makes every situation fun for them and is a shoulder to lean on when they need someone to talk to. He’s definitely the favorite and I understand because he’s my favorite person too. When life gets a little stressful and busy you can find Danny out in nature doing photography or playing golf with his cousins/friends. Danny has been my rock, safe place and source of unconditional love and support and I know he will be the same for your child. I’m honored and excited to get to watch him step into this new role as dad.


About Ashley

Ashley has to be one of the most loving and caring people I have ever come across. Now I know that can come off such a simple and generic way to describe a person but until you meet Ashley that is exactly what she is. I can truly say there hasn’t been much that she and I haven’t had to deal with and no matter how embarrassing or tragic the scenario she always has my best interests in mind. During some of the darkest times in my life, the one thing that always sticks out is Ashley by my side helping me, whether she’s encouraging me or just giving me a shoulder to lean on. As cliché as it is, I have truly found the perfect piece to the puzzle of my life. I can’t wait to see Ashley become a mom, especially since she jokes that she is the mom of our friend groups or family outings.  She is always looking to make sure we all are safe and taken care of in any way, shape or form. The way she lights up when a child is around is another one of my favorite things and being able to see that on a daily basis is one thing I cannot wait to see.


How We Met

Our two best friends had recently reconnected and started hanging out, as they had previously dated. They both wanted their best friends to meet as well. One night we were both hanging out with our best friends and decided we should all get together. Danny and I were both recently out of our long-term relationships and just along for the ride. Little did we both know that we would end up talking all night and into the early morning. Luckily, we weren’t too stubborn to just have a good time, or we would have never crossed paths and our lives would have been drastically different. Our best friends never let us forget that they are the reason we are together. They are very proud of playing match maker 12 years ago.


Why We are Choosing Adoption

Having a family has been our dream since the beginning of our relationship. When we got married almost 8 years ago, we stared to try to grow our family. Becoming parents was turning out to be harder than we had anticipated and years went by with failed fertility treatments. It has been a long emotional experience but we truly believe this has made our relationship stronger. We had time to reflect and do our research on other opportunities that can help us become parents. In the end we knew that everything works out for a reason and our reason was we were meant to adopt.  It would be our honor to welcome your child into our home and love them with all our hearts.


Our Home and Neighborhood

Our home is a two-bedroom, two-bathroom condominium inside of a gate community located in California. We live walking distance to schools for all ages and plenty of parks. Downtown is only five minutes away with tons of shopping, delicious restaurants and plenty of sights to see. You will often find our house filled with family and friends whether we are hosting family dinner or hosting sports watch parties. The best part of where we live is we are happily located perfectly between all our family and friends.


Our Lifestyle

We are creatures of habit when it comes to our weekly routines but with a little bit of fun. Wednesday nights are family dinners, just who is there and what’s for dinner changes. Every week someone new picks what’s for dinner so we get a little bit of variety. Saturdays are movie nights, and we try a new restaurant on nights when we can get everyone together.  Weekends are dependent on what time of year it is. Spring and summer are spent out on the baseball or soccer fields. Fall and winter, which are Ashley’s favorites, are spent looking for attractions that are holiday specific, whether looking for lights and decorations with the nieces and nephews or haunted houses for the adults. We have found that when we take turns everyone gets to do something they enjoy and everyone else will get to experience something they may not have. When we can’t find something, it turns into a full fledge game night.


Our Hobbies

Often, we may be perceived as “home bodies” due to the fact we enjoy just hanging out and watching a good movie or lounging around the house. But don’t mistake us for people that won’t jump at the chance to explore somewhere new or just out for a good time with good people. We love trying new places to eat or just trying a new activity. Whether we are alone or with a group of people the end goal is always the same and that’s to have a great time. Sports are a large part of both our daily lives. We both love watching and attending live sporting events. We are huge fans of the SF 49ers, SF Giants and San Jose Sharks. Danny enjoys playing golf, coaching our nephew’s baseball teams, photography and video games. Ashley loves watching musicals and concerts either live or on tv. Her real passion is cooking and baking, as she loves to find new recipes and create new things on her own. Food is definitely her love language.


What Type of Parents We Want to Be

We want to be the type of parents that provide their children with boundaries, but also give them the freedom to make their own decisions. Mistakes will be viewed as a learning experience and we will help to guide them to become the best possible version of themselves. Our home will be one of nurturing and warmth, but yet we will instill the importance of responsibility and being self-aware. With the day and age we live in now we want them to grow up to be who they are meant to be and not who they think they should be.


Family and Friends

We are lucky to have such a large and loving support system of family and friends. Danny comes from a very large family with many aunts and uncles as well as growing up within a short distance of his 30 plus cousins. Ashley’s family is not as large but are as tight knit as can be and will find any excuse to throw a family party or get together. Since our early dating years our families have been intertwined and will even plan vacations all together.

Your baby is going to have the most amazing grandparents who are kind, supportive, caring and just full of love. We can’t wait to watch them give all the love they have to your child.

This incredible journey we are taking is made possible because we have our family and friends by our side.


Our Traditions

We are the type of people who enjoy using any holiday or life event to just get our friends and family together. Both our families have intertwined, and holidays are spent together as one solid group. Halloween is probably the biggest event for us as we love dressing up with the kids and carving pumpkins. We can’t wait to try and coordinate family costumes with our child. Christmas is a holiday where we love spending time with our nieces and nephews, but we miss seeing them running downstairs to open gifts from Santa. Having a child of our own we would be able to experience that feeling of joy with them. Our favorite tradition is our Wednesday and Saturday family dinner. We get together with our immediate families and enjoy a meal that we all take part in preparing. We are very close with our nephews and nieces and being able to get to spend quality time with them at these meals is very special to us. Both our families can’t wait to add another chair to the tables and more stories to hear.


Racial and Cultural Diversity

Growing up our parents instilled in us to be mindful and respectful to all races and cultures. Our up bring was also fostered by the diverse area in California that we live in, where cultures are integrated and celebrated. We promise to respect and honor your child’s culture and help to nurture and support them. We look forward to learning and growing together


Our Promise to You

Our promise to you is to provide the most loving and safe environment humanly possible. We will raise your child to be comfortable in who they are and who they want to be. We want to make sure your child will be able to experience as much as possible. Our families and friends will be there every step of the way to make this possible.  It’s important to us that your child knows their family history and the sacrifice you made out of love for them and their future.

Message Danny and Ashley

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!

Contact Danny and Ashley

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering Adoption Network! Mary, or one of our other adoption specialists will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!