Married Since: 2006

Pets: Yes

Stay at Home Parent: Yes

Other Adopted Children at Home: No

Other Biological Children at Home: Yes

Once we realized that a large family was in our future, we began a family motto that stuck, “A baby is always a blessing.” As our family has expanded, we have also grown in our capacity to love. Our promise is that we will always love and accept your child as one of our own.

Tobias and Patty

from Kentucky


Ancestry: Irish, English

Religion: Catholic

Occupation: HVAC Service Manager

Education: Associates Degree

Hobbies: Homesteading, Hiking, Camping


Ancestry: English

Religion: Catholic

Occupation: Stay-at-Home Mom

Education: Some college

Hobbies: Homesteading, Reading, Crafting


Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: All Races / Ethnicities

Preferred Gender of Baby: Either

Religion Child To Be Raised: Catholic



"Rules of Life"
Family Activity
Leisure Activity
Thing to Cook
Rock & Roll
Vacation Spot
The beach


"Pride & Prejudice"
Family Activity
St. Patrick's Day
Leisure Activity
Sitting in the sun
Thing to Cook
New things
Vacation Spot
Any beach!
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

From Us to You

We are happy, hopeful, excited, and prayerful and can only imagine that you are feeling a lot of different emotions all at once too. You are doing such a beautiful and selfless thing for your child, know that even when emotions are overwhelming, you are making a courageous and strong decision. We hope that you will get to know us in a way that will help you find the peace that we pray you get.

We are Patty and Tobias and have been married since 2006. We have 7 beautiful, fun, and energetic children at home. Their lives are full of exploring, experimenting, and love. We had our first son when we were young. As our son grew and more kids came along, we wanted something we could all do together. We were looking for activities to expand their minds while teaching them the importance of responsibility and work. We found all of these things in what we now call homesteading. As a family we grow food and flowers, feed and water animals, maintain our home and land, and work as a unit. We spend most of our days together. Our children are learning how to live a life that holds no boundaries. They are learning to be self-sufficient and how to work for what they want. After our chores have been finished, we play hard too. We love board games and baseball, kayaking, hiking, bicycling, movies, and video games, and do these things together. We want our children to be appreciative of all the gifts God gave us, especially the outdoors. We both feel that we came into adulthood without knowledge of generations past. We want our kids to experience a slower more meaningful way of life. We hope that these foundations of faith, family, work, and love will set them up to achieve their dreams. This is what we want for your child too.

After our youngest daughter was born, Patty was advised to not get pregnant again. All of our children were delivered via C-section, and Patty’s doctor thought it was too great of a risk to her health and the health of the next baby. After experiencing health issues, Patty had a hysterectomy and we began the process of finding our next adventure. God began calling us to a path of adoption over a year ago and this is where we find ourselves now. We have so much more room in our hearts to raise another child and have more to offer now than we did 15 years ago when we began our parenting journey.

We want you to know that you will always be respected and appreciated when we talk to your child about you. We want you to be the important part of your child’s life that you are. We will send pictures and updates and if you’re comfortable, we can set up visits and outings. We will do our best to always make you feel welcomed and appreciated in our family. We will care for your child, we will welcome your baby into a great big family of support and love. We will treasure your baby as the gift from God that he or she is.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

Why We are Choosing to Adopt

We started our life together very early. We met when Tobias was a senior in high school and Patty was in her first year of college. We dated for a little over a year before becoming engaged. Then, after six months, were married in 2006.  We always knew that we would end up with a large family. We now have seven wonderful children from ages 3 to 15. After our seventh baby, Patty began having issues with her reproductive organs. This was causing enormous pain and problems for her health. After almost a year of trying to treat and manage this issue with natural means, it was recommended that she have a hysterectomy. This procedure was performed almost two years ago. We had begun to get used to the fact that we would never again have babies. Then we both began to feel God calling us to look into adoption. We hope to be able to welcome a new baby into our life again.

Patty and Tobias
Patty and Tobias
Patty and Tobias

About Patty, by Tobias

I first fell in love with Patty when I was 17. We were married two years later and have not skipped a day since then without talking to one another. Getting to marry my best friend has been one of the best privileges of my life. She is a great partner in our life together. Aside from pulling me in with her looks, she has a very colorful personality. She is funny and has a sarcastic sense of humor. She is very witty, which typically means that I rarely end up with the last word. Although Patty and I are very different in so many ways, I think it is very good for us. She always expects the best of me. What I appreciate most about her is that she is always pushing me to be a better person.

Patty is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met. She is always able to relate to people and help them where they are in their life, which is part of what makes her a great mother. She spends every waking hour with our children; teaching them, feeding them, and caring for their needs. She has a deep devotion to doing her very best as a mother, and your child will receive all the love and care she has to give.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

About Tobias, by Patty

I’ve spent the last 18 years with Tobias. For most of those years, he has been my husband and for all of them, he has been my best friend. Our relationship has always been centered around our genuine love of spending time with each other, we talk about everything! He’s smart, funny, hardworking, devoted, and fun loving. He also loves his faith and is always trying to better himself. Tobias loves to travel and especially loves the beach! He’s the kind of person that doesn’t stop until the job is done, and jokes and laughs while he’s doing it.

I admire Tobias’ dedication to the betterment of our family, he is always ready to go the extra mile to make sure the kids have what they need. Sometimes that means replacing the batteries in a toy or an extra long hug until the tears are finished. Usually, it’s jumping on the trampoline and being the last player of whatever game they’re currently enjoying. Tobias is always there for his family, and I know he will always be there for your child too.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

Meet Our Kids

Joseph is 15 and is exactly what you would expect from the oldest child. He’s a leader and bears more than his fair share of responsibility. He loves cars and playing the guitar. He wants to be a pilot in the military when he grows up.

Leyna is our 14-year-old. She is quiet, sensitive, and kind. She loves to read and crochet. Her current life ambitions are caring for her dairy goat and starting a soap-making business. As long as she has enough spare time to craft too.

Blaise is fun-loving, adventurous, and helpful. At the age of 12, he spends most of his time playing practical jokes and finding ways to annoy his siblings. He will always help you if you need him. He wants to work on a horse ranch when he grows up.

Simon is 11 years old and is best described as charismatic and kind. He loves to read and jump on the trampoline. Simon is big-hearted and likes to sing. He wants to be a priest when he is old enough.

Damian is an energetic, rambunctious, and mischievous 9-year-old. He spends most of his free time climbing trees and playing with his brothers. He wants to be a pediatrician or a State Trooper when he grows up.

Felix is a silly, fun, and happy 5 year old. His favorite pastime is fishing and playing the Wii. He spends a lot of his time playing with his little sister, Eloise. When he grows up, he wants to be a Police Officer.

Eloise is 3 years old. She loves dress up and pretend play. She spends most of her day in search of beautiful outfits and pink anything. When she grows up she wants to be a princess.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty


There is no single word that could describe our lifestyle because we tend to be up for anything. Our faith in God is what has always given us the strength to take on whatever comes our way. Our lifestyle is best defined by how we are a family. Tobias goes to work each morning Monday through Friday. He works hard to provide monetarily for our family. Patty stays at home and works each day as a full-time mother, homeschool teacher, and so much more.

Our days at home start with morning chores, followed by breakfast. We have a morning prayer and gather around the kitchen table to start our school day. With different grades, the kids finish their lessons at different times then they play until Tobias gets home from work. We have the rest of the day for chores and recreation, and we always eat supper together around a very large table. During the winter months, we spend our time inside with things like reading, playing games, or doing puzzles. When the weather is warmer, we garden, play baseball, or just spend our time outside in the sun.

Saturday is our work day at home. Tobias doesn’t work on the weekends, so any tasks or jobs that need to be accomplished are done on Saturday. We love to spend summer evenings around the fire pit. Sunday is our family day and day of rest. We always start our day by going to church in the morning. We spend Sundays visiting our families, friends, or if nothing is planned at home.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

Our House & Homestead

We live in a 1,780 square foot brick home with a finished basement. The upstairs has an open floor plan. Our daughters’ bedroom and younger boys’ bedroom are upstairs. Our older boys have the basement bedroom. Sharing bedrooms has been a great learning experience for them to find out how to share and respect each other when they are occupying the same area. As babies, our children stayed with us in the master bedroom until they slept through the night so we could keep careful watch over them and be there any time they needed something. There is a play area and school room and library in the basement, and we spend most of our school day at the kitchen table.

In our first house, we had a neighbor with chickens. There was a stray chicken that wandered over to our yard and decided to stay. We named her Lucy and began feeding her. Soon after she decided to stay, she started laying eggs for us. This was our introduction into what is now our homesteading lifestyle. After six years of marriage and four children, we moved to a larger home with more acreage to make room for our family to grow. We are now living in a rural part of our state. Much of the area is farmland and wooded areas, so our small hobby farm fits right into our surroundings. We started to raise chickens for eggs. This was such a rewarding venture that we started to get more animals to raise. Alongside the animals, we began gardening. Every year we plant vegetables in the garden and after tending them all summer, get to reap the produce. Our animals have grown from our one pet chicken, Lucy, to many chickens, turkeys, sheep, goats, pigs, cows, and two dogs. Raising farm animals has been a great hobby and experience for our entire family. We all work together to make sure all of the animals are fed and have water to drink. We all get to take part in God’s wonderful creation firsthand as the baby chicks hatch, the sheep have lambs, and the Earth puts forth vegetables for us to eat.

The children get a great opportunity to help with this and are learning about commitment and responsibility by caring for the animals. They gain important lessons such as how to put in work throughout the summer tending the garden so that they can be rewarded later with the benefits of nutritious and delicious produce. We see these are very beneficial life skills to learn and are very fortunate that we are able to do it at home together.

Tobias and Patricia

Racial & Cultural Diversity

Being Christians, we have always been taught that we are all God’s children. Every person is unique and special in God’s eyes. We are called to treat each other this way also. Our church is very close to a military base which allows us to have friends from many cultures. This has been a great experience for us because our children have been able to learn that, even though every person looks different, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Many of the people that attend our church are also in our homeschool group, so our kids have many friends that not only have different skin colors but can speak different languages also. We believe this will be helpful for a child that may have a different skin color than us. We will love them just the same, but with our church and homeschool network, they would be able to spend time and play with other kids who might share their backgrounds.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

Our Families

We are both from large families. We grew up in homes where there were always a lot of kids around, so the busy home we have today is all we have ever known. Both sides of our family are close and still get together for holidays and parties throughout the year. Our seven children each have several cousins that are very close in age. So these family functions are a great time for all of the kids because of their group of friends at each event. Patty has 7 siblings and there are 37 grandkids in her family. Patty’s mother is a great baker and loves to try new things, which means we get a lot of test batches and tasty surprises when she is trying to master a new recipe. During the summer, she makes homemade ice cream for the grandkids at parties. Tobias has 6 siblings and there are 22 grandkids in his family. Tobias’ mother is an old-fashioned country cook. She is always eager to have us over for dinner and make a delicious hearty meal. During the winter months, she makes an Amish friendship bread every week for all of the grandchildren.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

Family Traditions

We always celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at our home. We have a standing invitation with both sets of our parents where we cook Reuben sandwiches, fried potatoes, and boiled cabbage. This has come to be a celebration we all look forward to each year.

Once our older children became a little more opinionated, they didn’t see the fairness in having Mother’s Day and Father’s Day but no day to celebrate kids. So, several years ago, we started Kid’s Day on the fourth Sunday in July. This is the day where each kid gets to pick one thing they want to do and we spend the whole day accomplishing each child’s request. We have spent this day doing things like playing football, kickball, video games, going to see a movie, and have gone to a pool for a swim. We can’t wait to see what kind of activities your child will want to add to our special Kid’s Day tradition.

Each person in our family is celebrated on their birthday. We have a party on the evening of their birthday with cake and ice cream that follows their choice of dinner. Some of the smaller traditions on more of a weekly basis are our Saturday morning breakfast, or “big breakfast” as the kids have come to call it. After a busy week of work and school, we all get up together and make breakfast. Our children are always happy to make suggestions and requests, and breakfast can range from sausage and fresh eggs to biscuits and gravy.

Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty
Tobias and Patty

Our Promise to You

From the beginning of our marriage and parenthood, we have always tried to be open to life and God’s will for that, whatever that may mean. Once we realized that a large family was in our future, we began a family motto that stuck, “A baby is always a blessing.” As our family has expanded, we have also grown in our capacity to love. Our promise is that we will take your baby as the blessing that he or she is, and love and accept your child as one of our own. We promise to tell your child about his/her adoption from the very beginning and only speak of you with gratitude and respect. We will care for your baby and teach and instruct them throughout their childhood years. We will surround them with family that loves them. As they grow older, we will help them to learn, lead and make their own decisions to prepare for being an adult. We will have them go out into the world to help this world be a better place by what they have to offer. Whenever they leave home, we will continue to check on them and offer any support needed. Whatever the future brings, we will love and support them. We will play, and laugh, and grow together. We promise to be a family.

Message Tobias and Patty

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!

Contact Tobias and Patty

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering Adoption Network! Mary, or one of our other adoption specialists will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!