Married Since: 2021

Pets: Yes

Stay at Home Parent: No

Other Adopted Children at Home: No

Other Biological Children at Home: No

Hello we are Sam & Mitch, from Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh. We have two adorable dogs (Radar & Echo) and a cat (Sierra). We are big sports fans and love to travel and explore new places.

Mitch and Sam

from Pennsylvania


Ancestry: English, German, Irish

Religion: Not Religious

Occupation: Safety Manager

Education: Master's Degree

Hobbies: Sports, CrossFit, Snowboarding, Cooking, Pets, Friends, Travel


Ancestry: English, Irish, Ashkenazi

Religion: Not Religious

Occupation: Engineer

Education: Bachelor's Degree

Hobbies: Sports, Snowboarding, CrossFit, Reading, DIY, Pets, Friends, Travel


Preferred Ethnicity of Baby: All Races / Ethnicities

Preferred Gender of Baby: Either

Religion Child To Be Raised: Not Religious



I coach CrossFit
Fall is my favorite season and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
I played Football through college.
I love hiking, especially if the hike has a waterfall or a creek that I can get in.
I like to find new recipes and try to make extravagant meals.


I taught skiing and snowboarding at the local mountains near Pittsburgh.
I played Lacrosse through college
I coached Lacrosse at my alma mater and teams grade 6-12.
I backpacked through Europe after college.
I love airplanes and penguins!
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

From Us to You

We want to provide a loving home for your child. We are blessed to be in a position in life where we are ready for the responsibilities of raising a child and are looking to adoption to fulfill that. We plan on being very open and honest with your child about where they are from and that the decision of adoption was made from a place of love. We have worked hard to build a life where we believe your child will thrive. When choosing our home, we made sure to consider a good school district, enough living space for a growing family, and subdivision without a lot of street traffic and plenty of other children. We are looking forward to sharing our hobbies and experiences with a child. Your child with will always have vacations and new places they are traveling too. They will also have pets in the house to play with. They will be given every opportunity possible to reach their full potential in whatever they chose to excel in. We are open to providing updates on your child’s growth and achievements on their journey. We understand this decision is likely very difficult for you, but we hope that providing a safe and loving home for your child brings you some comfort and peace of mind.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Why We're Choosing to Adopt

We decided to adopt because there are a lot of kids who are in need of a loving home to grow up in. We want to do our part in helping the world be a better place. We decided to start the adoption process now since we both feel financially secure and we have settled down in what finally feels like home to us. We have discussed having children for a few years now but both wanted to wait until we were settled in one place. We are very excited to expand our family and start the journey of parenting together.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Our Lifestyle

We met while playing on a company softball team. Sam was a Co-Op at the company that Mitch was working at full time while she finished her second degree. She noticed his Pittsburgh tattoo on the back of his arm and decided to wear a Pittsburgh Penguins hat the next day to get his attention. The first comment she made to him was about him wearing baseball pants.

We are fun and energetic people who try to make the most of life. We love to attend sporting events, hang out with friends, travel to new places, try new foods, and always keep learning. Living in the Pittsburgh area, we have a lot of opportunities to attend sporting events. We go to numerous Pirates (baseball), Steelers (Football) and Penguins (Hockey) games a year, as well as, travel to visit new stadiums around the country. We spend most weekends in the winter at our local mountain skiing and snowboarding. Sports and outdoor activities will be a large part of your baby’s life. We try to visit at least one new place every year and have kept track of our adventures on a cork map in our dining room.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Meet Sam!

Sam is very smart, she’s an engineer by trade but it shows in her every day life as well. If something breaks in the house she is already trying to take it apart to fix it before I know what is broken (I would just call someone to fix it). Sam cares deeply about the relationships she has and will go out of her way to ensure that friends or family are taken care of, even if it adds stress to her day. She is always learning and is very determined to figure out answers to new things. I know that this curiosity and determination will be something that she passes to a child and I am very excited to see that. Sam knows how to enjoy the small things in life as much as the big things. She can enjoy sitting on the couch reading a book or playing a game on her phone. At the same time she can also be energetic and be ready for a workout, to go on a bike ride, or to go play a game of pickleball. Both of these sides of her helps to keep me grounded.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Meet Mitch!

Mitch is my best friend. He came into my life at a time when I didn’t realize how much I needed someone like him. I have never had someone who could so easily make me laugh and get me out of my head. I can be having the worst day and stressed out over one thing or another and with one look I’m doubled over laughing. It’s honestly annoying but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. He is also one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He has helped me learn to be more in tune with my emotions and how to express what I am feeling and I know he will do a fantastic job helping our child learn the same things. I often refer to Mitch as a toddler because he just has endless energy, I genuinely have no idea how he does it. He runs through life with this goofiness and happiness that makes it hard to take anything too seriously. He is always striving to learn new things and help push us out of our comfort zones, and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Our Home

Sam grew up in the Pittsburgh area and Mitch grew up in Virginia but has long loved the city. We have moved multiple times since we started dating (Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia) before deciding the place that felt like home was Pittsburgh. We love that we get all the seasons and have easy access to the mountains. Sports and skiing/snowboarding have always been a shared love for us and we are so happy we landed in a place where we get both of those things. We initially bonded over our shared love for the Pittsburgh professional sports teams and have really enjoyed being close enough to be able to attend without extensive planning, and be surrounded by others with the same passion. We both also have a large network of friends in the city that helped to solidify Pittsburgh as home. We also live near a large park that has bike trails, lakes, hiking trails, dog parks, playgrounds, and pickleball courts that we go to often.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Friends & Family

Locally, we are fortunate enough to have friends that we have considered family for a long time. Both of our families have moved south to escape winter, which works well for us because we now have built in beach homes in both North Carolina and Florida. Both of us have siblings, Sam has a sister and Mitch has two brothers.

Mitch and Sam

Racial and Cultural Diversity

Race is not a factor for our love of your child. We understand that race may cause for different experiences in the life of your child than what we have experienced. We believe that we have a vast support network of friends that would allow for us to provide resources for your child should they need to speak with someone who may have had an experience in life different to what ours was. We intend on learning about, respecting, and honoring your child’s cultural history as part our family.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Meet the pets!

We have two dogs and a cat who believes she is a dog. Our oldest, dog Radar, is 9 years old and is a Lab mix. He loves barking at squirrels and the UPS truck. Echo is our 5 year old Golden Doodle that we got from a TJ Maxx parking lot. She loves to play fetch. Both are great with kids and loves attention. Our cat, Sierra, is 7 and has been around Radar her whole life. She loves going outside and cuddling with the dogs.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Fun Family Traditions

Christmas Our longest-standing tradition together is snowboarding on Christmas, which we plan to continue with your child. Sam’s family has aways done matching PJ’s for Christmas Eve, and we look forward to continuing that tradition as we grow our family.

Halloween We are looking forward to dressing up as a family for Halloween and Trick-Or-Treating.

Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is reserved for Turkey and football. We have the tradition of putting up our winter decorations on Black Friday.

Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam
Mitch and Sam

Our Promise to You

We want to give the child a loving and healthy home to grow up in. We will share our love of sports and adventure with the child. We are excited about coaching their youth team and being in the stands at their high school games. We will give them a worldly childhood, one that teaches them to respect other peoples views and have empathy for others hardships. We hope to teach them a love of nature, whether its from flying down the mountain on skis or hanging by the beach. We will embolden the child to always try new things, to expand their tastebuds to new foods or their mind to new ideas. Thank you for reading our profile. We are very excited about the adoption process, we have a lot of love to give and are ready to expand our family. We will give your child a fun, loving, and healthy life where they can be themselves and reach their full potential. We are more than happy to provide you with updates along the way with their growth and development. We look forward to hearing from you.

Message Mitch and Sam

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering us! Our adoption specialist at Adoption Network, will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
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Contact Mitch and Sam

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Hi, We are honored that you are considering Adoption Network! Mary, or one of our other adoption specialists will be reaching out to make sure your needs are being met and your questions about adoption are being answered. She will help us get in touch with each other. We can’t wait to connect with you!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.