This family is an ANLC success story.

Helping Build Families, One Miracle At A Time®

A Leading Independent Adoption Center providing caring professional adoption services for birth mothers and adoptive parents nationwide.

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Available 24/7 to Answer Your Adoption Questions

Our services are nurturing and loving, and our entire staff is dedicated to helping guide everyone in the adoption triad through the adoption process with integrity and complete support.

Call Now 1-800-FOR-ADOPT(367-2367)Call Now 1-800-367-2367

Parenting Information

That moment you get home, with your new little one and all your flowers and balloons, and the doctors and nurses are gone and you ask yourself, “What do I do now?”

Adoption Education & Information Knowledge Hub

Adoption is a unique journey for Adoptive Parents, for Birth Parents and for Adoptees. It is often an uncharted journey as well, which leads to questions and uncertainties. That is why we strongly emphasize the importance of adoption education.

Visit Our Knowledge Hub

Adoption Laws & Information by Region

Before an adoption can take place, there are specific regional laws and qualifications concerning adoption that must be met. To help you navigate the laws, we’ve provided a list of information according to each region.

Hear from our Happy Families Success Stories

Your staff came to be like our extended family. We were fortunate and had close to a perfect situation but it was wonderful to have their support during this stressful process.

- Andy and Mary

We’re no different than any parent, desiring the best for our child. It goes without saying, that no path will be left undiscovered as we prepare Lauren for a life full of love, success, joy and happiness.

- Patricia and Robert

For the next 24 hours, our Birthmom and we were on a terrible roller coaster ride of emotions because we were told it was illegal according to Colorado state laws to use your services to aid us in finding a baby. Well, obviously it was not illegal and that is why I’m writing today in hopes that I can help anyone else with these questions. Because Adoption Network is a law firm, it is completely legal for us to adopt, making it possible for us to have our little girl today.

- Brent and Kerri

We knew this must be God’s way of telling us there was a child needing us more.

- Laine, Alicia and Ethan

Although it took us about 1
year to get all our paperwork in (including 2 home studies in different states), within 2.5
months of being added to the ANLC website, we were blessed with a beautiful
little boy!

- Keith and Christina

is a scary path, with many painful life events that bring you and your family
to that decision. But it doesn’t have to be. ANLC was our beacon in the dark,
scary waters that led to completing our family. For that, we are eternally

- David and Kathy

To all the Wonderful Staff form Adoption Network Law
Center.  There are no words that can describe how grateful we are
with each one of you!!!  After many years of treatments and failed adoption

- Emilio and Carmen

We heard about ANLC through a couple who had just adopted a
baby through them.  She told me that ANLC was wonderful and had walked
them through each step and she was SO right. We set up a phone appointment
and were extremely impressed.  It seemed we had so many questions and
every one was answered by a caring staff member. 


- Anson and Venessa

It took a day and half of being up on the ANLC website before we were matched with our sensational Birthmother. We will never forget receiving the phone call from ANLC on Friday, August 5, 2005. We almost crashed and got pulled over by the Sheriffs Department on our way to Laguna Beach

- Jesse and Janet

We are the parents of three amazing sons, but the path to
have them was a roller coaster ride.  Faith, patience and perseverance paid off – with help from ANLC.

- Eric and Lisa


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