People have always waited anxiously for the announcement to arrive in the mail or to their inbox or even on their Facebook timeline. Will it be pink? Or Blue? Are they having a boy or a girl? Did they decide not to know the sex after all? Well, while going the surprise route has become more popular in recent years, just the awareness that knowing is a possibility can drive everyone wild.
Oftentimes, knowing whether a child is going to be a boy or a girl is a small miracle before the big one. It’s a little step towards preparation, both mentally and materially. Yet, the selection of a child’s sex is not entirely impossible when it comes to adoption.
Here at the Adoption Network Law Center, we see many families and individuals specify a preference for a boy or a girl and proceed with successful adoptions. Ultimately though, like much of the adoption process, it may come down to circumstance and commitment. So while the sex of a child cannot be entirely guaranteed, parents and professionals are now able to work together to heavily consider preference.
Realistically, the only major downside to a preference of sex is that such a specification can extend the wait time of an adoptive family. Here at the Adoption Network, we work to meet your preferences as an Adoptive Parent, as well as those of the Birth Parents, which will mean that additional preferences will limit the number of Adopting Parents or Birth Mothers you can be open to.
Difficult, however, definitely does not mean impossible, and it’s extremely important to us that all parties are happy throughout the process. This then means that adoption does not just involve your circumstance and your commitment, but those of the Birth Parents, the child, and your professionals.
As most of this pertains to domestic adoption, we have addressed that a complete guarantee of either a male or female child is not exactly a feasible thing. Some adoption entities are able to work with a Birth Parent by not assigning the case to a prospective Adoptive Family until later in the pregnancy, thereby occasionally knowing the gender of the baby. Or sometimes a Birth Mother will not contact an adoption professional or attorney until after she gives birth and, of course, then the gender is known.
Now, when speaking of international adoption as an option, there is much to consider besides the sex of a child. However, because children adopted internationally are already born and are classified as orphans prior to being referred for adoption, you may be able to specify a girl or a boy in your application and have adoption professionals working with you who may use this information to match you with a child. At the same time though, it is vastly important to understand that, even then, there is no absolute guarantee.
ANLC can and will work to get you as close as possible to adopting a child based on your specifications but do keep in mind that there are other factors to consider as well.
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